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Highlight Your Business Through Our Community Events

Our events provide positive reach into the community for your brand.

Visits to Old Town Warrenton are fairly steady throughout the year averaging more than 95,500 visits per month. December represents the busiest month at 106,500 visits.

Compared to all residents of Virginia, visitors to Old Town Warrenton have much higher household incomes – the median household income of Old Town Warrenton visitors is $118,900 compared to the median household income of Virginia residents of $81,100. About 36% of Old Town Warrenton visitors have household incomes higher than $150,000 per year

The Warrenton Farmer’s Market sees approximately 30,000 visitors each year and generates $743,000 in revenue for the vendors during peak season.  The Market brings in visitors from over 8 other counties including Northern Virginia residents.  

*Source Virginia Main Street Program


Sponsorship payments can be made online with the links below:

Platinum Sponsorship ($10,000)

Gold Sponsorship ($5,000)

Silver Sponsorship ($2,000)

Bronze Sponsorship ($750)

Custom Sponsorship

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